Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess (2012) Full Movie

Title: Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess
Release Date : 2012-11-18
Genres : Animation, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Directors: Jamie Mitchell
Writers: Craig Gerber (creator), Craig Gerber
Stars : Ariel Winter, Sara Ramirez, Jim Cummings, Wayne Brady
Movie Quality : BluRay 1080p
Format : MKV, AVI, MP4
Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess Storyline
Set in the storybook world of Enchancia, the music-filled movie follows Sofia, an average girl whose life suddenly changes when her mother marries the king and she is whisked off to live in a castle with her mom, new step-father, King Roland II, and step-siblings, Amber and James. Along the way this ordinary girl learns to navigate the extraordinary life of royalty, and in the process makes everyone around her feel special.

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Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess 2012-11-18
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