Rush (1991) Full Movie

Title: Rush
Release Date : 1991-12-22
Genres : Action, Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Directors: Lili Fini Zanuck
Writers: Kim Wozencraft (book), Peter Dexter (screenplay)
Stars : Jason Patric, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Sam Elliott, Max Perlich
Movie Quality : BluRay 1080p
Format : MKV, AVI, MP4
Rush Storyline
Undercover cop Jim Raynor (Jason Patric) is a seasoned veteran. His partner, Kristen Cates (Jennifer Jason Leigh), is lacking in experience, but he thinks she's tough enough to work his next case with him: a deep cover assignment to bring down the notoriously hard-to-capture drug lord Gaines (Gregg Allman). While their relationship turns romantic during the assignment, they also turn into junkies, and will have to battle their own addictions if they want to bring down Gaines once and for all.

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