Closely Watched Trains (1966) Full Movie

Title: Closely Watched Trains
Release Date : 1966-11-18
Genres : Comedy, Drama, Romance, War
Directors: Jirà Menzel
Writers: Bohumil Hrabal (novel), Bohumil Hrabal (screenplay), Jirà Menzel (screenplay)
Stars : Václav Neckár, Jitka Scoffin, VladimÃr Valenta, Libuse Havelková
Movie Quality : BluRay 1080p
Format : MKV, AVI, MP4
Closely Watched Trains Storyline
In a small town still occupied by the Germans as World War II's tide is turning toward the Allies, apprentice train-watcher Milos is oblivious to the war. Instead, he is obsessed with having his first sexual experience. Despite the favors of train conductor Masa, Milos has no luck. His quest leads him to a female Resistance fighter who, in passing, recruits him to the cause. As Milos finally finds love, danger draws closer.

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Closely Watched Trains 1966-11-18
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